viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

MGC-014 Strike Wolf

Fotos de Javier Coy
Este juego aparentemente venia incluido con la ametralladora para famicom de Micro Genius (el juego es de la misma empresa)

3 comentarios:

  1. Epa, este no lo había visto. Tenía que ser Coy jaja una belleza!

  2. Hola. Como estas mi amigo. Sorry, I write the rest in English. Sad for me, I forgot most of the Spanish I studied in university. Please forgive me.

    I am also a Famicom game collector, though I live in Taiwan. I would like to ask you a question: would you consider trading / selling your Strike Wolf game cartridge to me? I am also interested in your NTDEC advertisements, are they from magazines or else?

    You can see, I have many Famicom games for sale / trade. Most 1990s versions, not reprint. I would trade you many of my carts for Strike Wolf.

    Kind regards,

    1. Hi! This cart its not mine. The NTDEC Ads are from magazines, most are from "Action Games"
      You have a lot of good stuff
